The Art of Real Estate - Perfected

You’ll find our blog to be a wealth of information, covering everything from local market statistics and home values to community happenings. That’s because we care about the community and want to help you find your place in it.

Oct. 7, 2022

Are Mass Foreclosures Looming?

Protection in a shifting market

Last week I was in Dallas attending the Five Star conference. This is a premier mortgage conference that attracts subject matter experts and professionals representing: mortgage servicers, lenders, federal government agencies, financial services law firms, service providers, investors, and real estate organizations from across the nation. In short all the heavy hitters in the REO space were there. Typically, Real Estate Owned are listings that have failed to sell during the foreclosure process and become owned by a mortgage lender, bank or the mortgage investor. My motivation for attending the conference was to hear from the experts  about foreclosures, defaults and changing headwinds in the real estate market. 

 This is what I learned.... 

Going into next year we will see an uptick in the amount of foreclosures coming on  the market. At present, services and asset managers are working off inventory from

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Sept. 29, 2022

How Do You Know When It's Time To Sell

How do you know when it's time to sell?

The housing market has stayed competitive for months, and if you’re like many property owners, you’ve probably thought about selling. But is this the right time?


Selling your home is a big decision, and pinpointing the perfect time to make your move can be challenging. Here are a few questions to consider if you want to explore what it would look like to put your home on the market soon.

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Sept. 22, 2022

Sellers Disclosure: What is it & Why is it important?

What is a Seller’s Disclosure? Here’s Why It’s Important

Whether you’re about to purchase a new condo or sell your current home, there is a lot to learn and paperwork to sign. One of these critical documents is called a seller’s disclosure. 

A seller’s disclosure, also known as a property disclosure, is a document that sellers are legally required to provide buyers. This piece of paperwork will include all the undisclosed details related to the property that negatively affect its value. So before you finalize the buying or selling of a home, read on to find out why a seller’s disclosure is an essential part of any real estate transaction.

Why is a seller’s disclosure important?

A seller’s disclosure is a legal document protecting both the seller and the buyer. It protects the buyer by informing them of any issues or defects the home and surrounding property may have. It also

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Sept. 15, 2022

Size Matters

What to Do If the Square Footage is Wrong on Your House:

The square footage of your home is an important specification for valuation purposes, but sometimes the appraiser’s calculation of your property’s square footage differs from the square footage used in your tax assessment. Here’s what to do in that situation.

How to Determine if the Square Footage is Inaccurate

You should start by requesting to see your home’s property card from your county’s department of assessment. Many cities and counties allow you to look it up online. Make sure that any recent (permitted) additions are included in the records....

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Sept. 8, 2022

Pros and cons of a Reverse Mortgage?

What is a reverse mortgage?

A reverse mortgage is a loan based on the current paid-up value or equity in your home. Instead of making a monthly mortgage payment, your lender can use your equity to pay you a set monthly amount, provide a credit line for you to draw upon as needs arise, or pay out a lump sum to you. While gaining access to this money sounds great, it’s essential to understand how a reverse mortgage works to avoid any pitfalls.

How does a reverse mortgage work?

When you have a regular mortgage, you pay the lender every month so you can eventually own your home outright. With a reverse mortgage, you get a loan in which the lender pays you. Reverse mortgages use part of the equity in your home and convert it into payments to you. You do not need to pay back this loan until you move, sell the home, or pass away. When you (or your heirs) sell the home, the reverse mortgage loan balance is deducted from the proceeds of the sale. Any balance remaining from sale proceeds reverts to you or your heirs.

What can you pay for with a reverse mortgage? 

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Posted in Loan Process, Mortgage
Sept. 1, 2022

Security Deposit Deductions

What Can a Landlord

Deduct from Your Deposit?

Maybe you didn’t think twice when you put a big security deposit on that fancy apartment two summers ago. But now that you’re getting ready to move again, you might be wondering how much of that deposit you’ll actually get back.

Believe it or not, your deposit isn’t at the mercy of your landlord. Tenants have rights, and landlords have limitations on what they can deduct from your deposit. It’s important for tenants to understand the basics on deposits. In most states, the timely return of your deposit means there’s a deadline—such as 30 days—so be sure to leave a forwarding address....

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Aug. 24, 2022

Gift Ideas to Leave for Your Old Home's New Owners

5 Gifts To Leave
For Your Old Home's New Owners

Selling a home is an emotional event. You are leaving behind a house filled with memories and venturing off to someplace new. The people buying your home are excited to create their own memories in a home that you loved for so many years. Welcome them with a thoughtful gift that will leave a lasting impression.

Here are some ideas for gifts to leave for your home’s new owners...

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Aug. 18, 2022

Hate Cleaning Your House? Here are some great hacks...

9 House Cleaning Hacks 

**for People Who Hate

Cleaning Their House**

Everyone hates getting bogged down with life’s little details. And guess what? You don’t have to! Here are house cleaning hacks for people who hate cleaning their house. Let’s face it, this is everyone.


1. Use old socks to clean blinds

Blinds often have multiple sides and shapes, so they can sometimes be a hassle to clean. But with this simple hack, they don’t have to be. Simply use a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water to dampen an old sock, and then swipe the damp sock over each section of the blinds. Embedded dust and dirt will come right off!


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Aug. 11, 2022

Single Parents: 6 Essential Mortgage Tips

6 Mortgage Tips for Single Parents

If you’re a single parent, it’s arguably more challenging to buy a home than for those in a partnership with dual incomes. Yet it’s easy to see why so many single parents are eager to purchase a house. Beyond finding a perfect kitchen and playroom, owning a home is an integral part of building a healthy financial future. And while homeownership may seem like an increasingly out-of-reach dream for single moms and dads, buying a house is definitely an achievable reality for most folks. To help inform you on this journey, we reached out to experts for tips on how to land a great mortgage as a single parent.

1. Leverage benefits

When applying for a mortgage, be sure to include any alimony and child benefit payments you receive.

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Aug. 4, 2022

Rent To Own Can Get You In Your Dream Home NOW

Do you think it's impossible for you to own a home right now? We have the key to your homeownership!

There are more options than you think! We understand the challenges of today's market and know that not everyone is ready for a mortgage. Everyone deserves to have a place to call home, but we know that it has become harder and harder for many to be in position to purchase a home.  You shouldn't have to have pristine credit, a huge savings for a down payment and a traditional 9 to 5 job in order to become a homeowner.  For people who own their own businesses, those who have been investing in their education, many who have made career changes, those with one income households, and countless other situations, it may seem like buying a home won't ever be attainable. There many reasons that may be holding you back and maybe you fall into one of those categories.

*If you are frustrated that higher mortgage rates are putting your dream home out of reach, please know that with Rent-To-Own programs, the purchase price is set for the length of the agreed term (typically 3 years) which gives you time to ride out the current market, AND the price of the home doesn't change, regardless of it's appreciation!

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